
L Squared Capital引导GWS工具集团的投资


L平方资本合作伙伴GWS工具组宣布L Squared与GWS管理层合作,以重组公司。未披露交易的财务条款。

gws代表l squared的10TH.平台投资过去五年。GWS是一家高性能消耗切割工具的提供商。L Squared的投资提供了长期的资本基础,以支持公司正在进行和快速的演变。

“我们对L Squared团队的合作剧烈兴奋,以支持GWS在切割工具宇宙中的强大球员继续发展,”GWS首席执行官Rick Mcintyre说。

“我们对公司的经历增长和致力于运营卓越的承诺来说,我们对我们来说非常深刻GWS已被证明是与客户的战略合作伙伴,为一些最复杂的制造环境开发定制解决方案,“L Squared的合作伙伴Randall Hunt说。“我们的家庭办公室资本基础和长期投资地平线非常适合支持公司对其能力和追求增量收购的投资。”

This transaction provides capital to further the GWS acquisition strategy, helping to accelerate the expansion of the company’s geographic footprint to support even more localized customer need, and positions GWS as the partner of choice for other cutting tool companies when it is time for them to pursue a sale. Moreover, GWS plans to accelerate investment in its people as well as its facilities. These investments will further reinforce the company’s product quality, delivery times and overall customer satisfaction.
