

As Germany’s second-largest export market, the United States took delivery of 1.12 billion euros worth of German machine tools in 2017, which is up 20 percent compared to 2016. For incoming orders, the German Machine Tool Builders’ Association, VDW, is optimistic that the United States will follow a moderate growth path, thanks in part to the government’s tax cuts.


每VDW,相比2016年德国机床行业记录产量的4%的增长在2017年,以生产值达到15.7十亿欧元。据普罗科普先生,主要驱动经济增长的一个是外国的交付。In 2017, 71 percent of machine tools made in Germany were exported, an increase of 8 percent as compared to 2016. While China remains Germany’s biggest export market, the Americas’ demand for German machine tools increased by 20 percent as compared to the previous years. The United States, Germany’s second biggest export market, took delivery of German machine tools worth 1.12 billion euros (up 20 percent compared to 2016). For incoming orders, Mr. Prokop is optimistic that the United States will follow a moderate growth path, also thanks to the government’s tax cuts. However, concerns about protective tariffs on imported goods and a strong euro remain, Mr. Prokop says.


对于像位于Tübingen的刀具制造商保罗·霍恩(Paul Horn)这样在美国投资生产基地的公司来说,再加上美国的企业减税政策,这是一个好消息。Horn的董事总经理、德国VDMA精密工具协会主席洛塔尔•霍恩表示,这些减税措施对本地和外国投资是一个很好的激励。



First, the reduced metal removal rates triggered by the age of electrification is offset by the global increase in the total number of passenger car registrations over the coming years, mainly driven by demand from China, the world’s largest car market, which is responsible for approximately 30 percent of global passenger vehicle sales, Mr. Prokop explains.


汽车行业将越来越多地需要不同的,非常精确和高品质的零件,以满足未来的驱动概念,普罗科普先生和Horn先生说不断变化的需求。For instance, gearboxes will have to be designed to meet the industry’s demand for reduced noise emissions and components will have to be much more wear-resistant to respond to sudden loads, as when switching from the electric drive to the internal combustion engine at high speeds. Brakes will require a sturdier design due to increased weight caused by the additional battery, and we will see a wide-scale need for turbochargers. Finally, we will have to develop new production and machining concepts to manufacture the increasing amount of electric drives including all necessary components.

